Who haven't heard about the story of Jesus' temptation after a 40 days fasting and prayer in the wilderness? What about His teaching on the mountain? Maybe no one reading this have read about the timid follower of Christ and the apostle who mentored him?

In the above paragraph, I just made reference to where 3 probably very common Bible verses a lot of people believe they know their meanings can be found. I believe you will be shocked to reallize the extent of what those who said those words meant.

Are you ready to get to get on to this? Alright, let's dive in: three Scriptural verses that mean more than we take it to be at face value. They are basically all you need for an excellent Christian living.

Rice with fresh tomato soup and served with omelette
Local African Dish

Number 1: Matthew 4:4

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Yeah, I believe you know what this means. But wait: what was that again you think it means? Jesus teaching that it is more important to value God's word above our necessary food?

You are right, my dear. But not so much. This verse means so much more.

Let's go this way: what did Christ refer here as bread? A stone? No. A loaf of bread? Not really too.

Think of this: a bread in this context is anything we are supposed to have to fill our hunger. It could be in the form of what we eat, what we wear, where we live, our career pursuits, marriage and sexual life, and so on. It's anything that results in some form of pleasure for us.

What then is the complete meaning of this plain verse?

Christ was telling us here (actually He was talking directly to Satan) the importance of pleasing God above ourselves.

There are many beautiful things we want to have in life, but one question we must always ask ourselves is this: do the way I want to pursue, obtain or earn this contradict God's word in anyway? If yes, then we should not go in that direction.

Therefore, it is written: we should not disobey God in a bid to be happy and enjoy the pleasures of life.

This does not mean that we cannot have this beautiful things that we want. It's just that we shouldn't have them at the detriment of our faith in God.

Sex is good and sweet, but don't sleep with someone not your spouse. Avoid premarital sex.

Food is great, but don't steal because you are hungry.

Money is enriching, but you should earn it only by doing the right thing.

Fashion is awesome, but don't be a temptation to God's children by the loose way you dress.

And so on.

Whatever violates God's word should not be done. The end doesn't justify the means. That's the whole point.

Number 2: Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Ok, here's another popular verse, right? And you think it simply means we should give our lives to God, as against living in sin, and God shall bless us afterwards? Or maybe you think it simply means we should please God first so He can bless the works of our hands?

You are not wrong. But what's more?

Think of it this way: let's say God has blessed the works of your hands already? Maybe because you did the above interpretations. How does this Scripture continue to apply to you?

In essence, what Christ was trying to say is this: we should always be apt to put God's will first in every of our life endeavors, whether things are working fine or not.

Don't be neither an adversity Christian nor a fair weather one. Don't become so busy you forget to pray, read the Bible or even share God's word with others.

A lot of people are so carried away with their success in life that the things in their lives that matter to God are relegated to the background. They are not asking for good things of life, because they already have them.

This is the real deep meaning of this Bible verse. Put God first in all aspects of your life: Academic, Social, Religious, Business, Career, Family/Marriage and so on.

That's that!

Number 3: 2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

I bet not many people have noticed this verse in the Bible. Still, it's commonly under interpreted.

In fact, many people think it actually just refers to the common fear they experience in life. It's much more than that.

This was a message by apostle Paul to his son in the faith, Timothy.

In this verse, Paul was reminding the young man Timothy about not being a timid follower of Christ.

Every Christian is called to be as bold as a lion in the practice of their faith. They have the power of God dwelling in them. Why would the children of the living God live as cowards in a world created by their Father?

Also, we have the Son of God who died because of His love for us. We should be like Him. Gentle as a dove.

You don't have to be heartless to appear bold. Do you? You should be filled with love. I should say we. Right? We should be filled with kindness and generosity towards the people around us.

And then, we should strive to live a well disciplined life, with a sensible heart and mind. As wise as a serpent.

Inasmuch as we are fools for Christ, we should not be fools to sin and other things that are contrary to what we believe.

Therefore, arise and shine, the light of God is in You!

These are the actual meanings of these 3 Bible verses. So, next time you have to to talk about them, be bold. Live them out too, for our lives as believers are better words for the gospel in our hands.

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