A lot of people believe that failure is a good enough excuse to quit from pursuing a goal. Therefore, they turn back when they get hit by the inability to meet an aim on their path to success. They assume failing means that the track along which they tread is the wrong path. But this is not so.
The path to success is rugged and dogged. It's rocky and crooked. It's a misconception to believe that it does not allow for failure. The truth is that failure is what leads us to the best success we seek. It is like a stepping stone with which you walk across the river to the other side.
People who climb the rocky sides of the mountain often slip and fall. But if they must get to the top, they need to get up and keep climbing higher. They don't turn back because they failed at first attempt. Determined, they may only rest a while, but they get back on track so they can continue with their quest.
What's your pursuit in life? Are you about to give up because you have failed severally? Please, don't. The only question you should ask yourself is this: "Does this path lead to God's purpose for my life?" The more likely your answer is yes, the bigger possibility that you must contend with failure and not run away from it, because they will show up along the way.
How do you contend with failure? You do that by learning from it. You don't step on the same slippery stone twice. If one method didn't work, you can improve on it or try a better one. Failure can help you know the right things to do at any given time. It exposes mistakes you need to avoid in order to achieve your goal.
Failure is a special tutor that teaches you how to succeed in your life's pursuit. Therefore, do not abandon your life's dream because you failed on your initial trials. Learn from the failures and make improvements where necessary. You will reach your success destination if you don't yield.
God bless you.